100nF 100V Polyester Capacitor MKT 0.1uf This Polyester Capacitor is a high-quality, reliable component designed for a wide range of electronic applic..
Ceramic CapacitorCharacteristics, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Ceramic Capacitors CharacteristicsWide Range of Capacitance: Ceramic capacitors can..
10nf 100V Polypropylene Film Capacitor 0.01uF Polypropylene (PP) capacitors are a type of film capacitor that use polypropylene as the dielectric mate..
Ceramic CapacitorCharacteristics, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Ceramic Capacitors CharacteristicsWide Range of Capacitance: Ceramic capacitors can..
33nf 100V Polypropylene Film Capacitor 0.033uF Polypropylene (PP) capacitors are a type of film capacitor that use polypropylene as the dielectric ma..
47nF 100V Polypropylene Film Capacitor 0.047uF Polypropylene (PP) capacitors are a type of film capacitor that use polypropylene as the dielectric ma..
560nF 63V Polyester Capacitor MKT 0.56uf The 560nF 63V Polyester Capacitor is a high-quality, reliable component designed for a wide range of electro..
GP2Y0A21YK0F Sharp Distance Sensor (10 - 80 cm Distance)The GP2Y0A21YK0F Sharp Distance Sensor measures distances between 10 cm and 80 cm using infrar..
100nf 100V Polypropylene Film Capacitor 0.1uF Polypropylene (PP) capacitors are a type of film capacitor that use polypropylene as the dielectric mate..
3W IR Power Led 1000-1050nm- Infrared Led3W IR Power LED 1000nm - 1050nm provides a powerful solution for your advanced infrared lighting applications..
22nF 100V Polyester Capacitor MKT 0.022uF This Polyester Capacitor is a high-quality, reliable component designed for a wide range of electronic appli..