Return Policy

Order Cancellation / Return Policy

To make a return, please visit the RETURN PAGE.

Products purchased remotely can be returned according to O.U.G. 34/2014. The consumer has the right to notify the merchant in writing that they cancel the purchase, without penalties and without giving any reason, within 30 calendar days from receiving the product. The return of the products will be made at the customer's expense, within 30 calendar days from the termination of the contract. It is recommended to use the same transport service used for receiving the products.

Etyra Technology S.R.L. will refund the order value as soon as possible after receiving the returned product. The refunded amount does not include transportation costs.

Definition of the sales contract (art. 2, 5.):

Any contract under which the professional transfers or undertakes to transfer the ownership of products to the consumer, and the consumer pays or undertakes to pay their price, including any contract that has as its object both products and services.

The contract is concluded when the fiscal invoice is issued and not when the order is placed or the automatic confirmation of receipt is issued.

Art. 12 of O.U.G. 34/2014 mentions:

Exercising the right of withdrawal terminates the contractual obligations of the parties, as the case may be:

  • a) to execute the distance contract or the off-premises contract;
  • b) to conclude a distance contract or an off-premises contract, if the consumer has placed an order.

The returned product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered (in the original packaging with all accessories, with intact labels and accompanying documents). Products that show physical alterations, damage, chips, scratches, shocks, excessive use marks, and/or unauthorized interventions, etc., are not accepted for return.

The provisions of O.U.G. 34/2014 apply only to consumers defined as any natural person or group of natural persons constituted in associations as defined in art. 2 point 2 of O.G. 21/1992 regarding consumer protection, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions.

The consumer is only responsible for the reduction in the value of the products resulting from their handling, other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the products. According to Directive 2011/83/EU, point (47) of the presentation: to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods, the consumer should handle and inspect them in the same way as would be allowed in a store.

Exercising the right of withdrawal

The consumer informs Etyra Technology S.R.L. of the decision to withdraw from the contract through one of the options: model form or an unequivocal statement made on a durable medium (paper or email). The consumer has 30 calendar days from the receipt of the products to announce the withdrawal from the contract.

Obligations of Etyra Technology SRL

Full reimbursement of the amounts received as payment, including, if applicable, delivery costs, without undue delay and in any case, no later than 14 days from the date of being informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract. The refund of amounts will be made using the same reasonably applicable payment methods (in the case of cash on delivery, the refund will be made by bank transfer to the account unambiguously provided by the consumer). Etyra Technology S.R.L. is not obliged to refund additional costs if the consumer has explicitly chosen a different type of delivery than the standard delivery offered by the professional.

Obligations of the consumer

The products are handed over to Etyra Technology S.R.L. personally or handed over to an authorized person (designated courier) without undue delay and within a maximum of 14 days from the announcement of the decision to withdraw from the contract. The consumer bears the return costs. The consumer is only responsible for the reduction in the value of the products resulting from their handling, other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the products.

Product Returns

You can request a return of products in the following cases:

  • The delivered product does not match the specifications on the site. You can request its return for replacement or a full refund (if the product is no longer available).
  • Non-functional product within the first 30 working days from receipt. If the purchased product was delivered non-functional or has manufacturing defects, it will be replaced with a functional product, following written notification or by presenting it at the headquarters within 30 working days of receiving the product.
  • Return via Locker: The client can opt to return the products through our dedicated locker. To use this return method, the client must contact our customer service to receive instructions and obtain approval for return. For this return method, a processing fee of 4 USD will be deducted from the total value of the returned products.
  • Return via Courier to Address: The client can opt to return the products via a courier to the specified address. To use this return method, the client must contact our customer service to schedule pickup and receive additional instructions. For this return method, a processing fee of 18 lei will be deducted from the total value of the returned products.